Singer Lydia Jazmine, also known as Lydia Nabawanuka, has temporarily halted all stage performances to meticulously prepare for her upcoming concert, aptly titled "Lydia...
Lydia Jazmine, the renowned singer, dropped subtle hints about her future wedding plans after attending Anna Talia's elegant marital celebration.
Anna Talia Oze tied the...
Singer Lydia Nabawanuka alias Lydia Jazmine's upcoming concert, "Lydia Jazmine Live in Concert," scheduled for March 1, 2024, at Hotel Africana, is reportedly uncertain,...
Singer Lydia Jazmine recently unveiled a surprising revelation about rapper Feffe Bussi's stage name origin, disclosing that his former friend, Gereson Wabuyi, now Gravity...
Singer Lydia Nabawanuka alias Lydia Jazmine has raillied her loyal fans for support as she hears up for her forthcoming concert at Hotel Africana.