In the early hours of Sunday morning, a devastating road crash at Kitubulu along the Entebbe Highway claimed the lives of two individuals, according to a statement from the police. The accident, which occurred around 6:00 am, involved a collision between a Toyota Wish vehicle and a Bajaj Boxer motorcycle.
The victims of the crash were the boda boda rider, identified as Mberobata, and a passenger named Mugaga Vian, an employee of Capital Pub. Both lost their lives instantly in the tragic incident.
SP Michael Kananura, the Traffic Police Spokesperson, detailed the circumstances surrounding the accident. The crash happened when the driver of the Toyota Wish, who was traveling from Entebbe, collided with the motorcycle as it attempted a U-turn on the same route. The impact of the collision was so severe that it caused the vehicle to roll several times, resulting in the tragic loss of life.
“Their bodies have been conveyed to Mulago City Mortuary, while the vehicles have been towed to Entebbe Police Station. The driver of the Toyota Wish is currently at large, and police investigations are underway,” SP Kananura reported.
In the wake of this tragic event, the police have issued a renewed call for road safety, urging all road users to exercise caution and adhere to traffic regulations to prevent such incidents from occurring. “We appeal to all road users to observe speed limits, motorcyclists to obey traffic regulations, and exercise caution on the road to prevent such tragic incidents,” SP Kananura emphasized.
This tragic accident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of road safety and the responsibility of all road users to be vigilant and responsible at all times. As investigations continue, the police are committed to bringing the driver of the Toyota Wish to justice and ensuring that such incidents are minimized in the future.
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