Raphael Okiot, a cherished lecturer at Uganda Christian University (UCU), tragically lost his life in a devastating accident at Nkumba early this morning. The 28-year-old, who was also an esteemed lawyer, had just acquired his new vehicle, a Mitsubish saloon car (UBQ 371P), merely four days before the fatal collision.
According to sources close to Okiot, he had picked up the car from a bond in Kampala with great excitement on Saturday, April 13th. “He got it from the bond on Saturday and was excited. It is unfortunate that he has not enjoyed it,” one acquaintance shared, reflecting the somber sentiment of those who knew him.
The accident occurred when a heavy truck collided with Okiot’s vehicle at the Nkumba traffic lights, leading to his untimely demise. The news of his passing has sent shockwaves through the academic community at UCU and the legal fraternity, as friends and colleagues mourn the loss of a talented educator and legal mind with a promising future.
Adding to the tragedy, it has been revealed that Okiot’s wife, Magistrate Irene Faith Kwagala, is expecting their first child. Regrettably, Okiot will not have the opportunity to witness the birth of their child, a fact that has deepened the sorrow felt by many who knew the couple.
The halls of Uganda Christian University are filled with a profound sense of loss as the institution remembers Raphael Okiot for his dedication to his students and his passion for the law. Tributes pour in from students, fellow lecturers, and the wider community for a life cut short far too soon.
As investigations into the accident continue, the memory of UCU Lecturer Raphael Okiot lives on, cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing him.
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That was quite diabolical,
may his soul rest in peace