
Karole Kasita Announces 2023 Concert Dates And Venue



Singer Karole Kasita has publicly announced her concert dubbed ” Chekecha Live ” which is slated for November 17th 2023 at UMA showgrounds .

She made the announcement on social media on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 as she requested her fans to share the news plus  the official poster of the concert.

“Ya’ll have heard of Stage Goddess buh Uve never witnessed. This is the day the Lord has blessed. 17th Nov. Uma Show Grounds🙏❤️❤️❤️. #chekechalive. Tambuza poster🙏❤️❤️”,she posted.

The multi talented black beauty queen is one of the few female artists in Uganda that is proving to be very consistently hardworking and focused.

It should be remembered on 19tz December 2019 ,Karole held her very first mini- concert at Fame Lounge and she registered good number .

At the time, she has only lasted three years in the mainstream music industry and to have a had a successful concert left a good impression.

And ever since she has never looked back as she released number of songs Including ; Chekecha ,Yaka ,Mwoto ,Tetunazina among others

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KY Jamal Jr.
KY Jamal Jr.
I am an online Brand developer, media expert, expert PR , news editor and a well thought Journalist.


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