Alien Skin, also known as Fangone Forest Entertainment CEO Patrick Mulwana, has made a significant change for the ‘Nkwacho Festival 2023.’
The festival, dedicated to khat herb enthusiasts, is now set to take place on December 31st, 2023, at Wankulukuku Stadium instead of the initially planned Nakivubo Stadium.
Alien Skin shared the venue switch on his social media platforms, extending a warm invitation to his fans and supporters of Ugandan music to join him in large numbers for his last concert before departing the music industry.
“I invite you all to the ‘Nkwacho Festival’ at Wankulukuku Stadium on December 31st, 2023. I warmly invite all my fans and supporters of Uganda music”, he announced.
It’s worth noting that Alien Skin had initially scheduled the festival for August 27, 2023, at Buloba Forest Park Resort but had to cancel after a falling out with events promoter Abitex Promotion.
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