Mama D, also known as Dorcus Bashema Kirabo, has officially broken the current individual record for the longest cook-a-thon. The previous record, held at an impressive 119 hours, 57 minutes, and 16 seconds, was achieved by Irish chef Alan Fisher in Matsue, Shimane, Japan, from September 28 to October 3, 2023. Mama D’s remarkable achievement comes after she tirelessly cooked for an astounding 119 hours and 57 minutes, surpassing Fisher’s record.
Mama D’s culinary journey commenced on December 23 in Kira Town, and she continues to showcase her cooking prowess with an ongoing determination to set a new world record. Her commitment to the culinary marathon has transformed her into a symbol of resilience and inspiration, garnering support from enthusiastic Ugandans across various sectors.
The culinary community is now abuzz with Mama D’s feat as she cooks her way into the annals of history. The spotlight remains on Kira Town, where Mama D’s cooking marathon is unfolding, and the nation eagerly awaits the culmination of her efforts as she strives to establish her own world record, surpassing the previous benchmarks set by her peers.
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